
Guest Opinion: America Needs A National Health Care System

Thom Hartmann describes how Americans pay more for less when it comes to healthcare.  The cost of healthcare is a continuing challenge to better pay and benefits for American workers.  America Need a National Health Care System explains…

Most Americans have no idea that the United States is quite literally the only country in the developed world that doesn’t define healthcare as an absolute right for all of its citizens. That’s it. We’re the only one left.

The United States spends more on “healthcare” than any other country in the world: about 17% of GDP.

Switzerland, Germany, France, Sweden and Japan all average around 11%, and Canada, Denmark, Belgium, Austria, Norway, Netherlands, United Kingdom, New Zealand and Australia all come in between 9.3% and 10.5%.

Health insurance premiums right now make up about 22% of all taxable payroll, whereas Medicare For All would run an estimated 10%.

That 12% between current health insurance cost and Medicare For All could be used for higher pay, more VR days, better dental and vision, or even paid lunch.  What would you want with that extra 12 percent?

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