
It’s Here: The Special BIG 3 Bargaining Edition of Solidarity!

The brand new Big 3 Bargaining edition of Solidarity magazine is live!  Click here to check it out!

We are excited to bring you the latest edition of this historic publication. Solidarity Magazine has long been a wonderful tool to inform UAW members of all the happenings going on, not only in our union, but across the labor movement.

In this issue:

  • Our Generation’s Defining Moment
  • COLA: Protecting Our Wages
  • Honoring Our Legacy
  • The Fight to End Tiers
  • What Every Generation Deserves
  • Fighting for Our Communities
  • It’s About All of Us
  • Frontline of the Fight for Good EV Jobs
  • Holding the Line
  • Getting Back to Our Civil Rights Roots
  • Historic Contract win at Nissan Parts Depot