
Electing Pro-Worker Pays Off With New NLRB…

The Nation wants you to Meet the Activist Championing the Rights of Workers From the Inside

Of all the members of Biden’s administration, NLRB General Counsel Jennifer Abruzzo has arguably sparked the biggest changes for American workers.

If Abruzzo is adamant about anything, it’s that the NLRB is meant to serve workers. “We are a neutral, independent federal agency, but we enforce a pro-worker statute,” she says. So when she took the reins as general counsel, her first order of business was to review precedents “with that mandate in mind, with our goal of ‘We are here to protect workers’ rights in this country.’ That’s our job.”

Abruzzo hasn’t been content merely to undo the damage that Donald Trump’s administration inflicted on the NLRB; she’s also been willing to challenge long-accepted practices. “I’m going to push the board to reconsider precedent that I feel doesn’t comport with our mission,” she says.

National Labor Relations Board

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