
The Weekly Missouri Labor Report

Missouri Labor Update
What Union Members need to know!

The Biggest Thing Going:

Labor Women’s Lobby Day A Success

Union women flooded the Capitol on Wednesday to speak with their legislators and make their voices heard at the Missouri AFL-CIO’s Ninth Annual Labor Women’s Lobby Day in Jefferson City.

Women union members are paid higher wages than their non-union counterparts and enjoy better benefits such as paid leave, health insurance and retirement security. It is vital that we protect these rights and fight any attempts to roll them back. While meeting with legislators the union members discussed issues that are important to their Local and trade, but also focused on broader issues such as:

-Fighting to close the gender pay gap
-Access to Childcare
-Affordable, quality healthcare
-Workplace Safety
-Protecting the Initiative Petition process

Weekly Task

The Trump/Musk administration is continuing to attack the U.S. Postal service, with the latter telling a group of tech barons that he’d like to privatize the constitutionally created service. The unionized postal service is one of the nation’s largest employers of veterans, and is required to deliver “the last mile” to places for-profit companies like Amazon and Fed Ex won’t deliver. If you can spend a few minutes fighting back this week, call Speaker Johnson and your local member of Congress to tell them NO to privatization and to protect the postal service!