
News: Unemployment/SUB Status

From our local UAW Benefits office:

It was brought to our attention many Members are having difficulty filing Unemployment.  We, along with our Chairman, have been working with General Motors all morning to get the issues corrected.  It appears the person who General Motors sent the layoff file to at the Missouri Division of Employment Security (DES) no longer works with mass claims and the Missouri DES did not forward the spreadsheet to the correct person.

The Missouri DES will now be making the claims effective 01/05/2025, which means CISA will recognize week ending 01/12/2025 as the waiting week.  Missouri DES is working to get the claims corrected overnight.  General Motors says this should resolve the problem and Members will be able to file for unemployment with no further issues starting tomorrow 01/14/2025.

If you are still having issues filing tomorrow, please call us in the Benefits office for assistance:

Mike- 636-327-2026
Kay- 636-327-2025
Karen- 636-327-2317
Teresa- 636-327-2314
Christie- 636-327-2112

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(graphic by Memed…Nurrohmad on Pixabay)