
Want More Paid Leave? Vote For It In November!

Missouri Independent shares the story of how a referendum to provide Paid Leave worked it’s way onto the November ballot. If more paid leave would make your life better, vote for it in November! Read all about it in Group turns in signatures to put minimum wage hike, paid leave on Missouri ballot.

Marieta Ortiz, a restaurant worker from Kansas City who helped gather signatures, said during a rally at  the Secretary of State’s office in Jefferson City that this petition would benefit her as a mom of three, with a fourth child due this summer.

“I’ve spent multiple hours in the hospital losing pay over my sick kid,” she said. “As an expecting mom again, I’m going to automatically choose my kids no matter what.”

The petition’s organizers, Missourians for Healthy Families and Fair Wages, rallied inside the Secretary of State’s office building after turning in boxes of signatures. Speakers said paid sick leave was just as important as a $15 minimum wage.

(graphic: Adobe Stock)