
Weekend Opinion: Union Actions Speak Louder Than Words

Steelworker activist Ike Gittlin shares his latest substack piece On Union Actions Speak Louder Than Words

The approach of union leaders is changing as well.  Labor no longer talks in terms of economic improvements alone.  They are appealing for solidarity based on a broad agenda that will put a leash on money and rebalance the power that working people need to assure we share in the bounty of this nation.  They are calling out politicians who are fronts for unbridled greed.  It’s bold, audacious and long overdue.  And workers are responding.

The newly invigorated union movement hasn’t been lost on the public.  Support for union actions has dramatically increased as have the number of Americans interested in being union.  When we look closely at what is happening, we see common interests rising above individualism and negativity.  Enthusiasm is high where labor is rising.  Young people are sensing it’s a place for them to make their mark.  While still constrained by organizing resources and anti-union pressures, workers continue to build and expand.

( graphic via Ike’s Substack)