
Can Dirty Tricks Cheat You Out Of A Union Contract?

Thanks to a pro-labor administration American workers are gaining rights in the workplace.  The recent CEMEX decision by the NLRB (National Labor Relations Board) has given workers tools to fight illegal violations of their rights by employers. Teamsters Secure Victory for Entire Labor Movement has the details….

After a lengthy legal battle at the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB), the Teamsters are celebrating a landmark victory with its decision in the case of Cemex Construction Materials Pacific, LLC (28-CA-230115). The labor board ordered Cemex to bargain with the Teamsters in a precedent-setting move, thereby ruling that all employers will now be required to bargain with a union if, during an election for representation, the employer commits labor law violations egregious enough to compromise the legitimacy of the results.

While organizing a union is tough getting a first contract has been tougher thanks to a series of dirty tricks and delays by employers.  This decision puts the boss on notice that there is a new sheriff in town.  This YouTube video from the NLRB gives some examples of how the “man” will pay the price for teasing cooperation only to pull it back like the fisherman with a dollar on a fish hook keeping it out of reach.