
Congressman “Bankin” Blaine Luetkemeyer Retires

Missouri Congressman from the 3rd district is the first Congressional retirement of 2024 according to KOMU.  We wish him the best but from a labor perspective it’s a case of “don’t let the door hit ya where the lord split ya”.  “Bankin” Blaine was a relieable anti-labor vote.  The AFL-CIO scorecard gives him a 11% lifetime labor voting record.  The colored link above will take you their bills they based this rating on.  Like these…

VA Employee Fairness Act
This bill provides the same collective bargaining rights to tens of thousands of frontline employees at the Department of Veterans Affairs who care for our nation’s veterans as other federal employees at the VA.

The AFL-CIO opposed the vote for the Fitzgerald Amendment to the FAIR Act as it was a blatantly anti-union amendment that sought to undermine union workers by voiding their negotiated dispute resolution procedures. Collectively bargained arbitration clauses covering contract disputes pose none of the dangers threatened by “agreements” forced on unrepresented, individual employees by their employers as a condition of employment.

Honoring Our Promise to Address Comprehensive Toxics (PACT) Act of 2021
The PACT Act addresses a number of VA healthcare issues. It extends VA healthcare eligibility to veterans and extends presumptions to conditions relating to burn pit, toxic-exposure and Agent Orange exposure. Veterans will benefit from a simplified eligibility process and VA staff will be able to process their claims without delay. The legislation will improve the ability of VA healthcare staff to provide services for veterans exposed to toxic substances and make long needed investments in the claims process, medical personnel, claims personnel and facilities to improve access to all eligible veterans.

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