
PAID Leave is The Law in Illinois!

The St. Louis Labor Tribune brings us one of the most significant stories in labor this year – Paid leave is now the law in Illinois!

Five days of paid leave a year is now the law in Illinois, after Gov. JB Pritzker signed the bill long championed by Illinois Democrats.

“Today’s bill signing is a victory for workers and for those who advocate on behalf of humane working conditions and worker protections,” said state Rep. Katie Stuart (D-Edwardsville). “Workers are people, and people have lives. Employers of any size should not force their workers to choose between losing income and letting common issues pile up.”

Stuart said the 40 hours a year of paid leave – which can be taken for any reason – gives Illinoisans the flexibility to balance responsibilities at work with their responsibilities as adults, partners, parents and citizens.

(image via clipart)