
You Voted In November, You Receive Better Vacation Benefits in 2029!

Contract time is not the only time your vote can affect your working conditions.  This November, the UAW endorsed Proposition A on the Missouri ballot. Prop. A raised the minimum wage to $15 over two years and created a Paid Leave Program.  Proposition A received 57.6 percent of the vote.   The St. Louis Labor Tribune answers the question How Will Prop. A impact union workplaces?

Yes, Prop. A applies to unionized workplaces. However, it does not begin until the next contract or a revision to a current contract, if a contract is in effect on Nov. 5, 2024.

A maximum of 80 hours earned paid sick time can be carried over year by year. Therefore, if:

  • An employee works full time starting May 2, 2025
  • Accrues 70 earned paid sick time hours of in 2025
  • Does not use any earned paid sick time in 2025, that worker can carry over all 70 hours into the next year and start 2026 with 70 hours earned paid sick time.

Did you get that? Thanks to your vote for Prop. A our next contract will have to adapt to this state law and allow vacation hours to be carried over to the next year.  Currently we do not have that option.  Please take a minute and hit the colored font hyperlink above to learn more.  Many members have heard the quote by former UAW President Walter Reuther:

There’s a direct relationship between the ballot box and the bread box, and what the union fights for and wins at the bargaining table can be taken away in the legislative halls. – UAW Constitutional Convention 1970.

By supporting this UAW endorsed proposition you have proven that what is won at the ballot box can be found in the bread box!

Free ballot ballot box american flag illustration

(graphic by YAMU_JAY @ Pixabay)