
NLRB Forcing Starbucks To Reopen Unionized Stores

In what can only be describes as justice, the National Law Review tells us the NLRB (National Labor Relations Board) is Forcing Starbucks to Reopen Unionized Stores

One of the more harsh remedies at the National Labor Relations Board’s (NLRB) disposal is forcing companies to reopen shuttered locations in the event the agency determines the decision to close those sites was driven by anti-union considerations.

  • Providing employees with an explanation of their rights under the act
  • Reading an explanation of those rights out loud to its employees in a company meeting and at times requiring supervisors to be present
  • Mailing a copy of the explanation of their rights to employees’ homes
  • Publishing the notice and any explanation of rights documents in local publications
  • Reimbursing the union’s bargaining expenses
  • Making whole any employees for lost wages related to bargaining

Accordingly, employers should be mindful of the broad remedial powers of the NLRB as they navigate the evolving labor law and labor relations landscape. Something to keep in mind in the New Year and beyond.

( graphic courtesy of