
Fain: The UAW Voted For Change, I’ll Deliver It

The Detroit News has published Fain: The UAW Voted For Change, I’ll Deliver ItClick here to read the entire piece.  Below is an excerpt…

The UAW is the last line of defense for working class communities across this country. If the Big Three automakers want to keep waging war on U.S. workers, they’ll have to go through us. That means all of us.

My job as UAW president is to put the membership back in the driver’s seat of this union and get us back in the fight for working people everywhere. But I can’t do it alone. If the public stands with us against the billionaires’ race to the bottom, and for the electric vehicle future to be union-made, we can save communities like Belvidere and rebuild the working class. It might be the only thing that can.