
Missouri AFL-CIO Supports Legalizing Marijuana: Vote Tuesday!

The St. Louis Labor Tribune has the news that the Missouri AFL-CIO backs Amendment 3 to legalize marijuana in Missouri….

The Missouri AFL-CIO executive board recommended endorsing Amendment 3 at the union’s statewide convention in August.

“Legalizing marijuana for Missouri adults, while also automatically expunging past, nonviolent marijuana offenses, is a huge step forward for criminal justice reform in Missouri,” Jacob Hummel, president of the Missouri AFL-CIO, said in a statement.

Hummel, a former state senator from St. Louis and IBEW Local 1 member touted “significant revenue” expected for the state’s coffers as well as freeing up law enforcement “to focus on fighting serious and violent crime” in the Federation’s endorsement.

“We urge Missourians to support this common-sense proposal to make Missouri the 20th state to legalize marijuana for adult use,” Hummel said.