
Someone Is Trying To Change The Paid Leave You Voted For…

Last November, Missourians voted for Proposition A which raised the minimum wage and created a Paid Leave Program.  It seems some folks aren’t happy about it. The Missouri Independent has the story in New Paid Sick Leave Requirement Targeted By Missouri Republicans

The campaign to pass Proposition A drew no large-scale opposition prior to the vote. But a court challenge filed in early December by major business advocacy groups asks the Missouri Supreme Court to invalidate the vote. The court has set the case for arguments on March 12.

Many of the same groups involved with the lawsuit — Associated Industries of Missouri, the Missouri Chamber of Commerce and Industry, the Missouri Grocers Association and others — are backing the bills to change Proposition A.

Ron Berry, a lobbyist for Jobs with Justice, said the challenges should have come earlier.

“When the petition is first certified for circulation, there’s an opportunity to challenge that ballot summary. That didn’t happen,” Berry said Wednesday. “When the petition signatures are turned in and the initiative is certified for the ballot, there’s an opportunity to challenge the signatures. That didn’t happen. None of these challenges started coming until after the voters approved this by 57%.”

Proposition A was endorsed by the UAW.