
Walter Reuther: The Man Who Fought The Big 3 and WON

The last few weeks have seen several hundred new members join UAW Local 2250.   We celebrate these new members and hope you enjoy seeing their bright, shiny faces in the featured orientation photos.  An important part of membership is learning the history and culture of the UAW.  The most influential person in UAW history is Walter Reuther.  Walter served as President of the UAW from 1946-1970.  He helped create COLA (cost of living allowance), SUB pay – to maintain income during layoffs, health insurance, early retirement benefits, and more.

I hope new and seniority members will take time this weekend to honor our active and veteran military. In addition,, grab a refreshing  beverage and watch The Man Who FOUGHT The Big 3 and Won.  Knowing where we have been will help us on our journey going forward.  Welcome to the UAW!

( Photo of Walter Reuther and Missouri’s only President of the United States Harry Truman, courtesy of Wikipedia)