
Special Attrition Program (SAP) Update From VP Mike Booth

UAW Vice-President Mike Booth has announced that all production workers that have applied for the $50,000 SAP will receive it in Phase 1.  Watch the video here.

Today I am excited to announce that we have won SAPs for ALL 1,412 GM production workers who signed up for the SAP. Those workers will immediately be eligible to receive the $50,000 retirement bonus, with retirement dates effective June 1st, July 1st or August 1st. That’s a big win, and a big expansion from what GM was first willing to offer.

But we still have work to do. We have not yet won immediate eligibility of all of the 545 skilled trades workers who have expressed interest in taking the SAP; only about 142 are immediately eligible in this first window. We’re still fighting to win an expansion on that number. At GM, we have a shortage of skilled trades workers, a problem which will require creative solutions on the company’s part, and an expansion of their apprenticeship programs. We’re going to continue to fight for our skilled trades members who want to retire. And to be clear, every single member who is eligible to retire will have the opportunity to receive the $50,000 SAP during the life of this contract, skilled trades and production.

The other good news is that the next window is coming soon. The company has agreed to open the next SAP window in the 4th quarter of 2024.

We are hard at work on building on our contract victories, and intend to keep delivering for all UAW members at GM.

In solidarity,

UAW Vice President Mike Booth

(Photo courtesy of