
Sunday Stats: Union Members PAY Increasing Faster Than Nonunion Workers

Edward Conard brings us the annual survey results from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, – US Union Members See Record Pay Raises

US private sector union workers’ wages rose 6.3% y/y – the largest increase since 2001, outpacing non-union workers’ 4.1% bump, which barely exceeded inflation.

Unionized workers in the US saw record raises, while nonunion workers’ pay barely beat inflation over the past 12 months, the latest government data show. Wages of private sector union workers rose 6.3% in the year ended in March, the largest increase in data back to 2001, according to Bureau of Labor Statistics employment cost figures released Tuesday. Meanwhile, non-union workers in the private sector saw a 4.1% bump in their salaries over the past 12 months, not much higher than inflation.