
Unions Ahead Of The Curve (Salary Laws)

CNBC tells us Companies need to increase salary transparency or workers will quit.  One of many advantages of being a union member here is that the wages are outlined in our national agreement with GM.

Increased transparency attracts and retains the best talent

The survey also found 85% of workers say they’re more likely to apply for a job that lists a salary, and the war for talent could be based on how transparent companies are with their pay structure, especially among younger generations of workers.

“This is the next step in how employees and the workforce gain more power in the marketplace,” Haller said. “First, we had work flexibility, and now salary transparency is taking hold, starting to spread, and it’s great for everyone.”

Of course, as evidenced by the current issues with attracting and retaining employees the wages need to be competitive if not better than average.  Hopefully, GM gets the memo and increases the pay and benefits to attract and retain the best!

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