
July Retiree Report:

The UAW Local 2250 Retiree Chapter President Robin Crouch would like to share this report.

 I would like to remind everyone that we will not have a meeting in July and will resume in August, at our regular time. Retiree meetings are the second Tuesday of the month at 10;30 a.m.
     For those who do not know that on the 28th of June Larry Kohenskey passed away.
     HIs arrangements are as follows, in Troy MO. July 3 at Mccoy Blossom funeral home between 1 and 3, there will be a luncheon after.
     The address is 1304 Boone ST. Troy Mo. (636-528-8244)
Editors note: Larry served on the Retiree Chapter Executive Board as the Guide.  Larry was an active and passionate member that spent many hours to helping the retirees of UAW Local 2250.  He was recently presented with a plaque from the Retiree Executive Board recognizing his effort and sacrifice.  RIP Larry, the world will not be the same.
Message From Retiree President Robin Crouch